Although DJ had heard this from Duron, he didn't really take in in or understand it until he's brother Duron died. In the death scene, Duron is angry at he's brother DJ for agreeing to have a double battle as it would make money double for the winning team. Duron is extremely upset at he's brother that he starts denying and disagreeing with the battle. He refuses to have the dance off as he is aware of the dangers of battling at a different area which isn't theirs. Although Duron is angry at DJ and doubting everything, DJ gives him feedback and a convincing talk about how it will be alright and that they wont loose. Despite the dangers and trouble that Duron is aware of , he just accepts to go on with the battle as he just wants to get over and done with it . As the dance battle starts, Duron is upset/depressed and scared but knows that he has to dance so he snaps out of it and dances as good as he usually does.
Luckily their crew is loved by the crowd all thanks to Duron's excellent dancing and they win the double battle and walk away with the money! As they travel back home, Duron's depression slightly slides away and he is beginning to accept and believe that they may be safe tonight. To show he's acceptance he even picks up a spray-can bottle and sprays the 'Y' in a logo that says ' The future is yours' . After he sprays the 'Y' off, the logo then says ' The future is ours. About 1minute or so after he has sprayed it, the loosing team approaches them and attacks every single one of them.
Duron does he's best to defend himself, then when he sees he's brother being bashed, he goes and pushes the attacker off then starts taking out he's anger on him as he had bashed he's brother DJ. This is the moment when he gets shot. Everyone runs away and he just drops to the ground and dyes in he's brother 'DJ' 's arms.
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