Major Theme 1 of Death'
In the first scene we witness Djay's dance crew walking late at night after winning 2grand. They are walking happily in the streets of America laughing about how the dance battle went. Suddenly out of no-where the crew they beat in the dance battle appears to them and the leader shouts ' I want My Money' and starts bashing the other crew.
This all seams like a gang street fight. Towards the end of the fight, Chris notices he's brother Djay badly being bashed against a car and then Chris runs to help him out and as he saves he's brother, the Leader of the opposite team shoots Chris and runs away

That shot shakes everyone who was at the scene and they all run away, Djay is left with he's bleeding/dying brother and is screaming 'someone call an ambulance ' while he's crying deeply.
After this event and after he looses he's brother, he moves to a new city to have a better and new life where he won't be involved with street fights, battling for money and it's an area where gang violence doesnt exist.
2nd Major Theme of Death and New Life
This event occurs when he can't let go of he's old life and the fact that he used to do dance battles where people earned the respect. After he makes new friends at Truth University, he is challenged when he is asked to join a stepping crew. Stepping is the safer and less tense type of dancing where violence or mocking the other crew badly isn't needed. In these scenes we notice Djay letting go of he's old life and starting new and afresh . He also quotes that he is going to be the best he can be and that he will do it for he's dead brother because this college boy and lifestyle was always he's brother's dream.
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