Genesis 2:16
The LORD God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely , but from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat from, for the day you it from it you will surely die.
This is quoted from The New Standard Holy Bible (1995).
This quote relates to the chosen movie theme and storyline because DJ used to live a different life where people would get into fights or battle, and where fighting was active. He made a mistake when he chose to battle the other crew without consulting he's team and this led to the consequence of he's brother's death.
Input it in a different context. My views on choosing that verse was because, even though DJ made the wrong move, he learned from he's mistake. It's like he was living in the dark before, where they would battle for money. Then in the new city there was light where people just had dance competitions then be friends again without feeling like they have to own territory.
Reference 2: Romans 10:9-11. the Bible passage it says ' If you eat from the fruit you will die'. According to the movie I
'If you declare with your mouth, '' Jesus is Lord'' , and if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved. We believe with our hearts , and so we are made right with God, and we declare with our mouths that we believe and so we are saved. As the scripture says ' Anyone who trusts in God will never be dissapointed !.
This is a Bible verse quoted from ' The NCV Student Bible. Copyright (2006) By Thomas Nelson
This is a lovely quote that I believe relates to the chosen movie and character's lives. Nomatter where life takes us, it's all thanks to God. When DJ was struggling and thinking about he's brother, he would make the sign of the cross as a symbol fo respect to God. Even though he's life used to be different, God was always watching over him and he's family and God always has a plan for us all.
Everyone in the movie had their own struggles and battles, but God is the answer to all problems even when people feel like their problem cannot be solved. Also in John 3:16 it says ' For God so loved the world that he gave he's only begotten son that, whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. This quote also explains and reassures that God is with us always and will heal any pain that we are feeling and he will also help us get through any grief, loss or depression that we are experiencing.
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