Monday, July 26, 2010

Bible Passages that relate to Death and New Life

Genesis 2:16

The LORD God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely , but from the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat from, for the day you it from it you will surely die.

This is quoted from The New Standard Holy Bible (1995).

This quote relates to the chosen movie theme and storyline because DJ used to live a different life where people would get into fights or battle, and where fighting was active. He made a mistake when he chose to battle the other crew without consulting he's team and this led to the consequence of he's brother's death.

Input it in a different context. My views on choosing that verse was because, even though DJ made the wrong move, he learned from he's mistake. It's like he was living in the dark before, where they would battle for money. Then in the new city there was light where people just had dance competitions then be friends again without feeling like they have to own territory.

Reference 2:
Romans 10:9-11. the Bible passage it says ' If you eat from the fruit you will die'. According to the movie I

'If you declare with your mouth, '' Jesus is Lord'' , and if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved. We believe with our hearts , and so we are made right with God, and we declare with our mouths that we believe and so we are saved. As the scripture says ' Anyone who trusts in God will never be dissapointed !.

This is a Bible verse quoted from ' The NCV Student Bible. Copyright (2006) By Thomas Nelson

This is a lovely quote that I believe relates to the chosen movie and character's lives. Nomatter where life takes us, it's all thanks to God. When DJ was struggling and thinking about he's brother, he would make the sign of the cross as a symbol fo respect to God. Even though he's life used to be different, God was always watching over him and he's family and God always has a plan for us all.

Everyone in the movie had their own struggles and battles, but God is the answer to all problems even when people feel like their problem cannot be solved. Also in John 3:16 it says ' For God so loved the world that he gave he's only begotten son that, whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. This quote also explains and reassures that God is with us always and will heal any pain that we are feeling and he will also help us get through any grief, loss or depression that we are experiencing.

5Stages of Grieving that the characters left experience

DJ is in denial of he's brother Duron's death.

After he's brother's death he decides to become a better person and try really hard in school. He travels to a new town and finds it really hard to be happy as he feels angry at the whole world as they all seem like they have perfect lives.

The day after he arrives, he attempts to travel back to he's old town as he's feeling in-denial of what happened and about the fact that the new town makes him feel out of place as he feels like he doesn't deserve anything.

He's uncle helps him get he's act together and also reminds him that he has to do this for he's mother because DJ is the only son she has left.

DJ's uncle and aunt that he is living with are both experiencing depression, bargaining and are stuck in those two stages. Sometimes they feel like they have to act like they have accepted the death, but that's only because they have to lead by example for DJ .

He's uncle and Aunt try to offer him comfort and love. They try the best they can to make him feel better and they do a wonderful job at welcoming him. Soon everyone is over the anger, grief and depression stage, and they all look onto being a better person and hoping for a better tomorrow.

DJ soon realises that despite what or where he came from, there is a future for everyone and anyone can be anything they want to be if they have faith and hope in what they do.
He joins a college dance group that is the biggest and best one in the city and starts focusing on where it will take him in life. He is also assured that he will be promised a lifetime friendship from the boys of the dance group "Theta to Theta'.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Use the 5stages of grieving for the dying character explaining how the dying character deals with their impending death

Well Duron (Chris Brown) has always gave he's brother DJ lectures telling that he should think about everyone else not just himself.

Although DJ had heard this from Duron, he didn't really take in in or understand it until he's brother Duron died.
In the death scene, Duron is angry at he's brother DJ for agreeing to have a double battle as it would make money double for the winning team. Duron is extremely upset at he's brother that he starts denying and disagreeing with the battle. He refuses to have the dance off as he is aware of the dangers of battling at a different area which isn't theirs. Although Duron is angry at DJ and doubting everything, DJ gives him feedback and a convincing talk about how it will be alright and that they wont loose. Despite the dangers and trouble that Duron is aware of , he just accepts to go on with the battle as he just wants to get over and done with it . As the dance battle starts, Duron is upset/depressed and scared but knows that he has to dance so he snaps out of it and dances as good as he usually does.

Luckily their crew is loved by the crowd all thanks to Duron's excellent dancing and they win the double battle and walk away with the money!
As they travel back home, Duron's depression slightly slides away and he is beginning to accept and believe that they may be safe tonight. To show he's acceptance he even picks up a spray-can bottle and sprays the 'Y' in a logo that says ' The future is yours' . After he sprays the 'Y' off, the logo then says ' The future is ours. About 1minute or so after he has sprayed it, the loosing team approaches them and attacks every single one of them.

Duron does he's best to defend himself, then when he sees he's brother being bashed, he goes and pushes the attacker off then starts taking out he's anger on him as he had bashed he's brother DJ. This is the moment when he gets shot. Everyone runs away and he just drops to the ground and dyes in he's brother 'DJ' 's arms.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Identify and Explain 2/3 major themes of death and newlife

Major Theme 1 of Death'

In the first scene we witness Djay's dance crew walking late at night after winning 2grand. They are walking happily in the streets of America laughing about how the dance battle went. Suddenly out of no-where the crew they beat in the dance battle appears to them and the leader shouts ' I want My Money' and starts bashing the other crew.

This all seams like a gang street fight. Towards the end of the fight, Chris notices he's brother Djay badly being bashed against a car and then Chris runs to help him out and as he saves he's brother, the Leader of the opposite team shoots Chris and runs away.

That shot shakes everyone who was at the scene and they all run away, Djay is left with he's bleeding/dying brother and is screaming 'someone call an ambulance ' while he's crying deeply.

After this event and after he looses he's brother, he moves to a new city to have a better and new life where he won't be involved with street fights, battling for money and it's an area where gang violence doesnt exist.

2nd Major Theme of Death and New Life
This event occurs when he can't let go of he's old life and the fact that he used to do dance battles where people earned the respect. After he makes new friends at Truth University, he is challenged when he is asked to join a stepping crew. Stepping is the safer and less tense type of dancing where violence or mocking the other crew badly isn't needed. In these scenes we notice Djay letting go of he's old life and starting new and afresh . He also quotes that he is going to be the best he can be and that he will do it for he's dead brother because this college boy and lifestyle was always he's brother's dream.

Summary of Stomp the Yard.

Stomp The Yard

This movie is about two brothers who were very close and always did what they loved which was dancing, until one night after winning two battles one brother gets stabbed and dies.

The older brothe Djay blames the death of he's brother on himself as he was the one who decided on battling the other crews in dancing.

Djay then moves to a different city and attends Truth University where he changes he's life around and tries to have a bright future that he's brother always wished and talked about.

Throughout the movie we witness Djay having flashbacks of moments of he's brother and him. These flashbacks occur many times especially before he makes a decision as he's trying to make sure he doesn't repeat mistakes.